Game of Thrones 4x7
Tyrion gains an unlikely ally; Daario asks Dany to allow him to do what he does best; Jon’s warnings about the vulnerability of the Wall are ignored; Brienne follows a new lead.
Game of Thrones season 4
4x1Two Swords Apr 06, 2014
4x2The Lion and the Rose Apr 13, 2014
4x3Breaker of Chains Apr 20, 2014
4x4Oathkeeper Apr 27, 2014
4x5First of His Name May 04, 2014
4x6The Laws of Gods and Men May 11, 2014
4x7Mockingbird May 18, 2014
4x8The Mountain and the Viper Jun 01, 2014
4x9The Watchers on the Wall Jun 08, 2014
4x10The Children Jun 15, 2014